 P O L L Y    P M U    B R O W S 


"I improve your well being through the appearance" - Polly


Welcome to my web site. It is a pleasure to have your visit here, where I expose a little about myself and my way of performing my services. Below you will be able to know the services that I perform in my studio and you can also schedule a time with me, for evaluation or execution of the chosen procedure. Feel free!

Principles and Values


In my work, understanding what you want is essential, so nothing starts before a good conversation.


When I started in this profession I knew that I would have to get involved and immerse myself in a process with no return to commitment to quality care. And that is what brought me here.


Promise all promise, sell some sell, deliver what sells, few do. So I decided to position myself in a different place, where you will always remember me for the quality of the delivery of the sold and the promised.


I am biomedical and for me biosafety is non-negotiable! When choosing to perform your aesthetic procedure with me, know that all the necessary procedures for the security of the place, mine and yours are taken care of will be taken.

E Y E B R O W    D E S I G N   & 
M I C R O P I G M E N T A T I O N   

How to change the appearance and keep the essence.

Micropigmentation mimics the eyebrow strands, the pigment is applied to the skin in order to imitate a normal strand. This way it is possible to fill in gaps and even thicken the eyebrows a little more. There are several techniques, the compact leaves the eyebrow well marked, but there are five others. The shadow mimics the makeup effect, as if you had filled your eyebrow with shadow. The ombré is clearer in some points. 3D draws wires symmetrically and asymmetrically, to give the appearance of a full and natural eyebrow. The mix combines wire-to-wire and shadow techniques. Before performing the micropigmentation, the specialist will design the eyebrow design according to the shape of your face. The goal is that the eyebrows are in harmony with the shape of your face, so it is not possible to change its shape.

Special Features

The difference of my work is in something very big, which I call LOVE to the client and to work. But within my work I have some differentials that I would like to highlight.


The process is the step by step through which my client is inserted. And in my case it all starts with a good interview to understand the need, then the preparation and planning, the execution and the followup, where I offer retouching at no cost.


Through the relationship with my clients, I understand how I can serve them in the best possible way.

Good Ideas

In planning what we are going to do, the client and I share our ideas on how the work can be done and have the expected result.


careful with each step is paramount. And I personally take care of each one, but mainly with personalized service, with love.

Main Services

All the services I provide, of course there are those that are my favorites


Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum.


Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum.


Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum.

My Clients Say

In consectetuer turpis ut velit. Suspendisse nisl elit, rhoncus eget, elementum ac, condimentum eget, diam. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Maecenas egestas mattis placerat.

Nadia Baltazar

"Polly PMU Brows Studio es uno de los mejores lugares en la área para hacerte tus cejas. Poli es muy profesional con un atendimiento de alta calidad.  Yo personalmente me sentí muy satisfecha, grata y feliz con el servicio y atención de ella. 🙌 Recomendado 100%"


"Love my brows! They came out so perfect. The session was painless and Polly's suggestion for my brows matched perfectly for my face! The customer service was excellent and the aftercare wasnt too hard for maintenance.I definitely gained more confidence with my new brows! Will be back again for a touch up!"

Fabiana M. Lafontaine

"Sempre tive vontade de fazer Micropigmentação e ficar com a minha sobrancelha bem marcadinha. Mas nunca havia achado uma profissional bem qualificada que me transmitisse segurança. Conhecer a Polly foi algo maravilhoso. Nao há trabalho como o dela. Louvo a Deus pela PROFISSIONAL  que ela é. Polly é sinônimo de amor e excelencia.

W  H  A  T    I  S    D  I  F  F  E  R  E  N  T

The difference is always you!

Since I was very young I started working with aesthetics. I used to make eyebrows of my friends at school and I never imagined that one day I would be a professional in the field. I graduated in biomedicine and worked in the area for several years until I decided to really listen to my vocation. I built an excellent reputation working in Brazil, with people who came from far away to be served by me. And today I accepted the challenge of doing the same thing here in the United States. The workplace has changed, the line and customs have changed. What will never change is the love that I apply when I am working with what God has shown me to be my vocation.

Yes! I'm Awesome At Work

Nothing but the truth...


Years in the profession


Specialization courses


Customers served


Satisfaction level
P O L L Y    P M U   B R O W S


"I improve your well being through the appearance" - Polly

Your personal data will be kept only for direct and personal communication about services on this website.

Under the general data protection law - LGPD.

Copyright © 2021


Since 2013


608 S Federal Hwy
Deerfield Beach 33441 suite 3
+1 (754) 281-9321